18 research outputs found

    Determinación de SLPI y PAP/REG2 en el suero de pacientes con cáncer

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    El SLPI y la PAP son proteínas presentes en diversos sistemas (respiratorio, digestivo, genital), que nunca han sido relacionadas, y menos aún en procesos tumorales. Hipótesis : Las proteínas SLPI y PAP participarían en el desarrollo de tumores, ya que son producidas en el microambiente tumoral y pordrían influirse mutuamente para favorecer o evitar la progresión tumoral.Área: Ciencias Biológicas, Ambiente y Salud

    qTorch: The Quantum Tensor Contraction Handler

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    Classical simulation of quantum computation is necessary for studying the numerical behavior of quantum algorithms, as there does not yet exist a large viable quantum computer on which to perform numerical tests. Tensor network (TN) contraction is an algorithmic method that can efficiently simulate some quantum circuits, often greatly reducing the computational cost over methods that simulate the full Hilbert space. In this study we implement a tensor network contraction program for simulating quantum circuits using multi-core compute nodes. We show simulation results for the Max-Cut problem on 3- through 7-regular graphs using the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA), successfully simulating up to 100 qubits. We test two different methods for generating the ordering of tensor index contractions: one is based on the tree decomposition of the line graph, while the other generates ordering using a straight-forward stochastic scheme. Through studying instances of QAOA circuits, we show the expected result that as the treewidth of the quantum circuit's line graph decreases, TN contraction becomes significantly more efficient than simulating the whole Hilbert space. The results in this work suggest that tensor contraction methods are superior only when simulating Max-Cut/QAOA with graphs of regularities approximately five and below. Insight into this point of equal computational cost helps one determine which simulation method will be more efficient for a given quantum circuit. The stochastic contraction method outperforms the line graph based method only when the time to calculate a reasonable tree decomposition is prohibitively expensive. Finally, we release our software package, qTorch (Quantum TensOR Contraction Handler), intended for general quantum circuit simulation.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    Distribución de la atención visual de traductores en textos especializados teniendo en cuenta la variable presión de tiempo: un estudio con Eye-Tracker

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    La presente investigación, de tipo positivo, de carácter exploratorio y preexperimental, tuvo como objetivo describir las diferencias en la distribución de la atención visual de los traductores en elementos léxicos presentes en los textos base (TB) y los textos meta (TM) correspondientes a lenguajes de especialidad alto y bajo teniendo en cuenta la variable presión de tiempo. Para alcanzar este objetivo, cinco participantes realizaron la prueba en la que debían leer para comprender dos textos del ámbito de la medicina, uno de ellos con lenguaje de especialidad alto y otro con lenguaje de especialidad bajo. La recolección de datos se realizó a través del instrumento Eye-Tracker y un cuestionario tipo escala Likert. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la distribución de la atención visual de los participantes se centró en las unidades terminológicas (UTs) presentes en los textos sin verse esta afectada significativamente por la presión de tiempo; sin embargo, la distribución de la atención visual mostró diferencias con respecto a la especialidad del texto. Se observó mayor tiempo y mayor número de fijaciones en el texto de especialidad alta en contraste con el texto de especialidad baja. Así mismo, se evidenció que la presión de tiempo por sí sola no afectó de manera significativa el desarrollo de las tareas encomendadas a los traductores, pero alteró su estado de ánimo cuando se combinó con un texto con lenguaje de especialidad alta.The current positive, exploratory and pre experimental research aimed at setting the differences in the visual attention distribution of translators in lexical elements present in the Source Text (ST) and Target Text (TT) with high and low specialized-language considering the time pressure variable. In order to achieve this purpose, two texts were presented to five subjects, who should read in order to comprehend. One of the texts with high-specialized language, while the other one with low-specialized language, both of them from the medicine area. Data was collected through the Eye-Tracker instrument, as well as a Likert scale questionnaire. The results obtained showed that participants’ visual attention distribution was focused on the terminological units of the texts; also, it was noticed that visual attention distribution was not significantly affected by time pressure, however, it was altered by the language specialization of the text. It was observed that the amount of time and the number of eye fixations were greater in the high–specialized language text in contrast to the low–specialized language text. Additionally, it was perceived that time pressure by itself did not affect in a significant way the development of the tasks, but it did affect participants’ mood when it was combined with a high- specialized language text

    Conocimiento sobre bioseguridad durante el COVID-19 en odontólogos de la ciudad de Chincha e Ica 2022

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    La presente investigación tuvo como propósito determinar el nivel de conocimiento sobre bioseguridad durante el COVID-19 en odontólogos de la ciudad de Chincha e Ica. El estudio fue observacional, no experimental, descriptivo, comparativo, prospectivo y de corte transversal, se aplicó un cuestionario de 20 preguntas previamente validado. Participaron 100 odontólogos, que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. En Ica, el 74% de los odontólogos presentaron un nivel bueno. El conocimiento fue bueno en el 62.5% de jóvenes y en el 71.61% de vii adultos, así mismo en el 69.57% del sexo masculino y el 44.68% del sexo femenino. Según el tiempo de experiencia predominó el nivel de conocimiento bueno. En Chincha el 50% presentó un nivel muy bueno, predominando en todos los grupos etarios y según tiempo de experiencia. El 51.61% del sexo masculino presentaron un nivel muy bueno, y el 52.63% del sexo femenino presentaron un nivel bueno. Se concluye que el nivel de conocimiento sobre bioseguridad en Ica fue bueno y en Chincha fue muy bueno

    Identifying challenges towards practical quantum advantage through resource estimation: the measurement roadblock in the variational quantum eigensolver

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    Recent advances in Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices have brought much attention to the potential of the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) and related techniques to provide practical quantum advantage in computational chemistry. However, it is not yet clear whether such algorithms, even in the absence of device error, could achieve quantum advantage for systems of practical interest and how large such an advantage might be. To address these questions, we have performed an exhaustive set of benchmarks to estimate number of qubits and number of measurements required to compute the combustion energies of small organic molecules to within chemical accuracy using VQE as well as state-of-the-art classical algorithms. We consider several key modifications to VQE, including the use of Frozen Natural Orbitals, various Hamiltonian decomposition techniques, and the application of fermionic marginal constraints. Our results indicate that although Frozen Natural Orbitals and low-rank factorizations of the Hamiltonian significantly reduce the qubit and measurement requirements, these techniques are not sufficient to achieve practical quantum computational advantage in the calculation of organic molecule combustion energies. This suggests that new approaches to estimation leveraging quantum coherence, such as Bayesian amplitude estimation [arxiv:2006.09350, arxiv:2006.09349], may be required in order to achieve practical quantum advantage with near-term devices. Our work also highlights the crucial role that resource and performance assessments of quantum algorithms play in identifying quantum advantage and guiding quantum algorithm design.Comment: 27 pages, 18 figure

    OpenFermion: The Electronic Structure Package for Quantum Computers

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    Quantum simulation of chemistry and materials is predicted to be an important application for both near-term and fault-tolerant quantum devices. However, at present, developing and studying algorithms for these problems can be difficult due to the prohibitive amount of domain knowledge required in both the area of chemistry and quantum algorithms. To help bridge this gap and open the field to more researchers, we have developed the OpenFermion software package (www.openfermion.org). OpenFermion is an open-source software library written largely in Python under an Apache 2.0 license, aimed at enabling the simulation of fermionic models and quantum chemistry problems on quantum hardware. Beginning with an interface to common electronic structure packages, it simplifies the translation between a molecular specification and a quantum circuit for solving or studying the electronic structure problem on a quantum computer, minimizing the amount of domain expertise required to enter the field. The package is designed to be extensible and robust, maintaining high software standards in documentation and testing. This release paper outlines the key motivations behind design choices in OpenFermion and discusses some basic OpenFermion functionality which we believe will aid the community in the development of better quantum algorithms and tools for this exciting area of research.Comment: 22 page

    Phenotypic plasticity and water flux rates of Citrus root orders under salinity

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    Knowledge about the root system structure and the uptake efficiency of root orders is critical to understand the adaptive plasticity of plants towards salt stress. Thus, this study describes the phenological and physiological plasticity of Citrus volkameriana rootstocks under severe NaCl stress on the level of root orders. Phenotypic root traits known to influence uptake processes, for example frequency of root orders, specific root area, cortical thickness, and xylem traits, did not change homogeneously throughout the root system, but changes after 6 months under 90 mM NaCl stress were root order specific. Chloride accumulation significantly increased with decreasing root order, and the Cl− concentration in lower root orders exceeded those in leaves. Water flux densities of first-order roots decreased to <20% under salinity and did not recover after stress release. The water flux densities of higher root orders changed marginally under salinity and increased 2- to 6-fold in second and third root orders after short-term stress release. Changes in root order frequency, morphology, and anatomy indicate rapid and major modification of C. volkameriana root systems under salt stress. Reduced water uptake under salinity was related to changes of water flux densities among root orders and to reduced root surface areas. The importance of root orders for water uptake changed under salinity from root tips towards higher root orders. The root order-specific changes reflect differences in vulnerability (indicated by the salt accumulation) and ontogenetic status, and point to functional differences among root orders under high salinity

    Los medios digitales ante la crisis humanitaria. Haití, Honduras, Venezuela, Rusia-Ucrania y Siria

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    Hoy en día los medios de comunicación deben desempeñar una función social al servicio del público al que se dirigen, especialmente durante los sucesos de gran impacto, como las crisis humanitarias y las catástrofes. Durante este período de desequilibrio social, la propagación de imágenes, videos e información engañosa se intensifica y provoca una falsa ilusión de verdad y realidad, coadyuvando a que la calidad de la información sea sacrificada por la inmediatez y el consumo masivo (Toledano y Ardevól-Abreu, 2013). Bajo esta premisa, estudiantes de la carrera de Comunicación de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador han realizado el siguiente trabajo titulado “Informe N°1 del Observatorio Internacional sobre los Medios Digitales ante las Crisis Humanitaria”, con el objetivo de analizar y verificar los acontecimientos más relevantes sobre las crisis humanitarias alrededor del mundo y la implicación de los medios en su impacto. Se debe igualmente mencionar que este primer informe forma parte de un proyecto de investigación elaborado por los grupos de investigación Gamelab-UPS y el grupo Comunicación, Educación y Ambiente (GICEA). El objetivo del Primer Observatorio Internacional es verificar y analizar las noticias falsas y bulos que transitan de manera deliberada por la web. Para ello han realizado un análisis minucioso de la información difundida por los medios de comunicación más importantes de Ecuador, Perú y Colombia. En definitiva, el conocimiento de la realidad es lo que le permite a los receptores de contenido formarse una opinión sobre el mundo que los rodea; sin embargo, el desmesurado flujo de información y las noticias falsas (fake news) menoscaban esa credibilidad generando desinformación (Gonzáles, 2019)

    How much leaf area do insects eat? A data set of insect herbivory sampled globally with a standardized protocol

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    Herbivory is ubiquitous. Despite being a potential driver of plant distribution and performance, herbivory remains largely undocumented. Some early attempts have been made to review, globally, how much leaf area is removed through insect feeding. Kozlov et al., in one of the most comprehensive reviews regarding global patterns of herbivory, have compiled published studies regarding foliar removal and sampled data on global herbivory levels using a standardized protocol. However, in the review by Kozlov et al., only 15 sampling sites, comprising 33 plant species, were evaluated in tropical areas around the globe. In Brazil, which ranks first in terms of plant biodiversity, with a total of 46,097 species, almost half (43%) being endemic, a single data point was sampled, covering only two plant species. In an attempt to increase knowledge regarding herbivory in tropical plant species and to provide the raw data needed to test general hypotheses related to plant–herbivore interactions across large spatial scales, we proposed a joint, collaborative network to evaluate tropical herbivory. This network allowed us to update and expand the data on insect herbivory in tropical and temperate plant species. Our data set, collected with a standardized protocol, covers 45 sampling sites from nine countries and includes leaf herbivory measurements of 57,239 leaves from 209 species of vascular plants belonging to 65 families from tropical and temperate regions. They expand previous data sets by including a total of 32 sampling sites from tropical areas around the globe, comprising 152 species, 146 of them being sampled in Brazil. For temperate areas, it includes 13 sampling sites, comprising 59 species

    Desarrollo de métodos de propagador para el estudio de procesos de ionización molecular empleando la metodología del orbital nuclear molecular y su implementación en el paquete computacional LOWDIN

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    En este trabajo se propone la teoría de propagadores empleando el método del orbital nuclear molecular para cualquier tipo de partícula (APMO/PT). Esta metodología es una extensión de la teoría del propagador electrónico para estudiar sistemas con más de un tipo de especie cuántica, desarrollada e implementada en su versión diagonal en el programa de química cuántica LOWDIN. La metodología fue aplicada para estudiar efectos cuánticos nucleares en potenciales de ionización electrónicos y energías de enlace de protones en un conjunto de átomos y moléculas de prueba. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el nuevo método ofrece una descripción apropiada de los efectos isotópicos en potenciales de ionización electrónicos y predicciones precisas de energías de enlace de protones, afinidades protónicas y energías de solvatación de protones en sistemas moleculares.Abstract. In this work we propose a propagator theory using the any particle molecular orbital approach (APMO/PT). This theory is an extension of the electron propagator theory developed to study more than one type of particles (quantum species) that has been implemented in the LOWDIN quantum chemistry software. Our method was applied to study nuclear quantum effects on electron and proton binding energies in a set of atoms and representative molecules. Our results show that this new method can properly describe isotope effects on electronic ionization potentials and predict proton binding energies as well as related properties such as proton affnities and proton solvations energies in molecular systems.Maestrí